Our Mission
To form a congregation that ministers to a wide range of people
with services that are traditional and contemporary.
To offer practical, Bible based messages for real people facing real problems.
Our Values
- Hope: God is much more than we can ever imagine – more loving, more wonderful, and more powerful.
- Hospitality: Christians are invited to show love, acceptance and forgiveness for all of God’s people.
- Haven: The Church needs to be a safe place for people to come and to encounter other people who are hurting.
- Help: Faith needs to move, to reach out, to change our world; people who feel they are without a prayer know that there is help available.

We Welcome All
- Faith Harbor is an active and growing congregation with a wide variety of programs for people of all ages.
- Our style of worship is traditional with an informal twist.
- Our services are heartwarming, uplifting, and spiritually energizing.
- Casual dress is welcome.