Our Faith Harbor Preschool is expanding with a class for 2-year-olds in the Fall! We are now recruiting for an assistant teacher to support this new program. Please share this information if you or someone you know is interested in applying. Please contact the church office (910) 328-4422 for a copy of the position description.
Applicants are requested to provide a resume and a cover letter. Deadline for applications is Sunday, April 14, 2024. Applications may be dropped off at the church with the church secretary or placed in the Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) mailbox across from Classroom 6. If you have questions, you may contact Mike Hopper, 910-801-2851 or Bridget Ross, (949) 633-8021 or email at
Faith Harbor UMC is an active and growing congregation
seeking to keep an intimate experience of Loving God and our neighbors.
We are a congregation that God has called to be
A Beacon of Hope in a broken world.
We seek to Anchor Our Lives in the life, teachings,
death and resurrection of Jesus as Lord.
We strive to Share God’s Love in our daily lives
as we reach out In Joyful Service.
Sunday Communion Service
On the beach
Easter Sunday
Thanksgiving Sunday
In the Sanctuary
Easter Sunday
Sunday Morning Worship
In the Sanctuary
Year Round
Communion Service
In the Sanctuary
Every Wednesday