About Build the Vision
Build The Vision: a three year Capital Campaign, initiated in January 2016, to begin the steps toward building additional space.
The goal of the campaign: to have 100% participation of the congregation. Participation in the campaign involves the commitment of our time, our talents, and our treasures, which God has given us. This is a Stewardship Campaign, not a Fund Raising Campaign.
God is at work around us which is evident through the many active ministries, such as Share The Table, Children and Youth programs, Adult Small Group Studies, Mercy Abounds, Thrift Store, and ERT assistance, just to name a few.
If we achieve the goal of 100% participation, we anticipate receiving commitments and contributions, sufficient enough to construct a new, multi-purpose building with a minimum of 4,000 square feet.
While we don’t yet have a brick and mortar concept, we envision an addition which will allow expansion of our worship services, additional classroom space for Sunday School classes and Bible Study groups, expanded areas for youth and children programs, and perhaps a day-care center or a senior center. Most immediately, we will address a parking need to make it more inviting for others to come grow with us. This is an opportunity for us to fulfill God’s vision for Faith Harbor.
We invite you to join us on this exciting journey as Faith Harbor UMC seeks to continue to be a beacon of hope, anchored in Christ, sharing God’s love through joyful service!